
当与会者所表达的意见不明确或者不完整时,社会工作者可以帮助他们进一步说明他们的意见,如“您刚才说希望居委会能出面解决问题,那您希望居委会在哪些方面做工作呢 ”这属于主持会议中的( )技巧。

(初级)社会综合能力 2023-06-03



主持会议的技巧包括:①提问和邀请发言;②进一步说明和转述;③聚焦;④摘要、综合和总结;⑤关注、赞赏和鼓励。其中,进一步说明是指当与会者所表达的意见不明确或者不完整时,社会工作者可以帮助他们进一步说明他们的意见,如题中“您刚才说希望居委会能出面解决问题,那您希望居委会在哪些方面做工作呢 ”这也有助于其他与会者更准确地理解发言人的立场和观点,避免猜度和误会。

Most of these resources are ______ towards paper-writing and research projects.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

On an annual ( ), house prices in Scotland are now only 1% lower than they were a year ago, but they are 8% down in Northern Ireland.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

An entrepreneur’s product or service must sound ______ and marketable, enough to convince people to become investors.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

There is a ( ) difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

____ analysts’ predictions, McKnight Electronic engineers were able to create a battery capable of lasting twice as long as previous models.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

You would imagine that sleeping was a quiet and peaceful experience but in reality,our brains are more active during some stages of sleep than when we are______。

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

Dealers often tell customers that if their car gets wrecked in a crash they could be financially harmed because regular insurance may not______the entire amount owed on the loan。

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

Responsible parents should show____love to their children and make them grow healthily.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

No single individual can____handle this kind of responsibilities alone.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

April fifteenth represents a special date for people in USA. But it is ________ holiday.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26
