

职称英语 2023-04-24

[单选,材料题] 请在第__(55)__处填上正确答案。

Public RelationsPublic relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases,designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image.
Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm, usually in the51of press releases or press conferences. Since public relations involves communications with stockholders, financial analysts, government officials, and other noncustomer groups, it is usually.52outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to top management. This
organizational placement can be a 53 because the public relations department or consultant will likely not be in line with marketing efforts. Poor communication and no coordination can be the54. Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence55 the public image, this influence generally may
be less than 56 provided by the other components of the public image mix.
Publicity nay be in the form of news releases that have57overtones for the company initiate by the public relations department. Publicity on the other 58 should not be divorced from the marketing department,as it can 59 a useful adjunct( 辅助 ) to the regular advertising. 60 , not all publicity is initiated by the firm; some can 61from an unfavorable press as a reaction to certain actions or lack of 62that are controversial or even downright ill-advertised.
The 63we wish to emphasize is that a firm is deluding( 自欺 ) itself if it thinks its public relations function,whether within the company or an outside firm, can take 64 of public image and opportunities. Many of these have to do with the way the 65 does business, such as its product quality, the servicing and handling of complaints, etc.

A . in
B . for
C . on
D . at



【解析】句意为:尽管公关的基本目的是要积极创造一种良好的公众形象。Influence in“在……影响”。

2008 -16.导致耳轮甲错的常见原因是A.肾气不足 B.肾精耗竭 C.淤血入络 D.肾阴亏虚

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

2006-17.瞳孔散大多属A.肝风内动 B.肝经风热 C.气血不足 D.肾精耗竭 E.脾肾两虚

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

1998 -82.绿风内障可见 A.睡眠露晴 B.瞳仁散大 C.瞳仁缩小 D.目窠内陷 E.目窠肿

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

1998 -81.脾虚,清阳不升,可见A.睡眠露晴 B.瞳仁散大 C.瞳仁缩小 D.目窠内陷 E.目窠肿

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

1996 -18.颈肿眼突,可诊断为A.肺胀 B.瘿瘤 C.瘰疬 D.痄腮 E.发颐

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

2007-114.眼球突出者可见于A.肺胀 B.中风 C.癭病 D.瘰疬

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

2001 -15.目部的心脏相关部位是A.眼胞 B.瞳仁 C.黑睛 D.白睛 E.内外眦的血络

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

2006 - 15.将目之不同部位分属于五脏之说,源于A.《重订通俗伤寒论》 B.《灵枢?大惑论》 C.《诸病源候论》D.《四诊抉微》 E.《龙树眼论》

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31

1994 -17.斑秃属于A.血虚受风 B.精血不足 C.肾阴不足 D.营血有热 E.心血不足

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2009 - 28.婴幼儿前囟闭合的时间应是A. 3~5个月 B. 6~8个月 C. 9~11个月 D. 12~18个月

类别: 研究生 | 中医综合(研究生) 2023-05-31
