
This text is mainly about__________.

职称英语 2023-04-24

[单选,材料题] This text is mainly about__________.

The Diminishing Scientific Leadership of the U, S.With the rapid globalization of science itself ( more than 40 percent of scientific Ph.D. students trained in the United States are now foreign nationals, roughly half of whom return to their countries of origin ) , the once undisputed U.S.scientific lead, whether relevant to product lead or not, is diminishing.
The competition of foreign students for positions in U.S.graduate schools has also contributed to making scientific training relatively unattractive to U.S.students, because the rapidly increasing supply of students has diminished the relative rewards of this career path. For the best and brightest from low-income countries, a position as a research assistant in the United States is attractive, whereas the best and brightest U.S.students might now see better options in other fields. Science and engineering careers, to the extent that they are opening up to foreign competition ( whether imported or available through better communication ) , also seem to be becoming relatively less attractive to U.S. students.
With respect to the role of universities in the innovation process the speculative boom of the 1990s( which, among other things, made it possible to convert scientific findings into cash rather quickly ) was largely unexpected.The boom brought universities and their faculties into much closer contact with private markets as they tried to gain as much of the economic dividends from their discoveries as possible. For a while,the path between discoveries in basic science and new flows of hard cash was considerably shortened. But during the next few decades, this path will likely revert toward its more traditional length and reestablish in a healthy way, the more traditional ( and more independent ) relationship between the basic research done at universities and those entities that translate ideas into products and services.
In the intervening years, another new force also greatly facilitated globalization: the rapid growth of the Internet and cheap wide-bandwidth international communication. Today, complex design activities can take place in locations quite removed from manufacturing, other business functions and the consumer. Indeed, there is now ample opportunity for real-time communication between business functions that are quite independent of their specific locations. For example, software are development, with all its changes and complications, can to a considerable extent be done overseas for a U.S.customer.Foreign call centers can respond instantly to questions from thousands of miles away.The result is that low-wage workers in the Far East and in some other countries are coming into even more direct competition with a much wider spectrum of U.S. labor: unskilled in the case of call centers; more highly skilled in the case of programmers.

A . the scientific leadership of the U.S.
B . the shortage of scientists in the U.S.
C . the rapid globalization of science
D . better communication and globalization



【解析】第一段开头即点明了文章主旨:“the once,undisputed U.S.scientific lead…is diminishing.”。其他三段从三个方面对此作了阐述:“scientific training relatively unattractive to U.S.students”,“during the next few decades,this path likely will revert toward its more traditional length and reestablish, in a healthy way,the more traditional relationship…”,“another new force also greatly facilitated globalization”。由此可知,本文着重讨论的是科学全球化造成美国科技领先地位的下降。主旨归纳题,应明确文章的中心思想。

在一次心动周期中,冠状动脉血流量急剧增加的时相是A.等容收缩期 B.等容舒张期 C.射血期 D.充盈期

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

在一次心动周期中,冠状动脉血流量急剧降低的时相是A.等容收缩期 B.等容舒张期 C.射血期 D.充盈期

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

男,38岁,3年前诊断为腰椎间盘突出症,腰腿痛反复发作,行卧床、牵引等保守治疗可缓解。査体:外踝及足外侧痛觉、触觉减退,趾及足妬屈肌力减弱,跟腱反射减弱。若诊断为椎间盘突出症,最适宜的处理方法是A.持续牵引,理疗 B.髓核化学溶解术 C.椎间盘切除术 D.皮质激素硬膜外注射

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

男,38岁,3年前诊断为腰椎间盘突出症,腰腿痛反复发作,行卧床、牵引等保守治疗可缓解。査体:外踝及足外侧痛觉、触觉减退,趾及足妬屈肌力减弱,跟腱反射减弱。患者搬重物后突发疼痛加重,伴大小便障碍,应即刻进行的检查是A.腰椎正侧位X线片 B.腰椎过伸过屈位X线片C.腰椎双斜位X线片 D.腰椎磁共振扫描

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

男,38岁,3年前诊断为腰椎间盘突出症,腰腿痛反复发作,行卧床、牵引等保守治疗可缓解。査体:外踝及足外侧痛觉、触觉减退,趾及足妬屈肌力减弱,跟腱反射减弱。该患者最可能受累的神经根是A.腰3 B.腰4 C.腰5 D.骶1

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

女性,35岁,反复发作右上腹痛伴寒战、发热4年,3天前再次出现同样症状。査体:体温40.5℃,脉搏130次/分,血压62/46mmHg,嗜睡,巩膜黄染,右上腹压痛及肌紧张,肝区叩痛明显。经输液扩容及应用血管活性药物后,病情无明显好转,在手术前还应采取的主要措施是A.加大升压药剂量 B.更换有效抗生素 C.加快输液 D.纠正酸中毒

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

女性,35岁,反复发作右上腹痛伴寒战、发热4年,3天前再次出现同样症状。査体:体温40.5℃,脉搏130次/分,血压62/46mmHg,嗜睡,巩膜黄染,右上腹压痛及肌紧张,肝区叩痛明显。对该患者最可能的诊断是A.重症胆管炎、肝内外胆管结石 B.化脓性胆囊炎C.肝脓肿 D.重症胰腺炎

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

女性,35岁,反复发作右上腹痛伴寒战、发热4年,3天前再次出现同样症状。査体:体温40.5℃,脉搏130次/分,血压62/46mmHg,嗜睡,巩膜黄染,右上腹压痛及肌紧张,肝区叩痛明显。 该患者可能出现的血常规化验结果A.白细胞总数升高,中性粒细胞比例下降 B.白细胞总数下降,中性粒细胞比例下降C.白细胞总数升高,血小板计数下降 D.白细胞总数下降,血小板计数升高

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

男性,30岁,40分钟前骑摩托车摔伤,急送来院。神志朦胧,烦躁不安,四肢乱动,呼吸困难,咯血,口鼻均有泥沙夹血外溢,左侧胸腹部、左大腿严重擦伤、肿胀,左大腿大面积疲血斑。来院时,可首先排除的损伤是A.颅脑损伤 B.左股骨骨折 C.血气胸 D,脾破裂

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30

男性,30岁,40分钟前骑摩托车摔伤,急送来院。神志朦胧,烦躁不安,四肢乱动,呼吸困难,咯血,口鼻均有泥沙夹血外溢,左侧胸腹部、左大腿严重擦伤、肿胀,左大腿大面积疲血斑。 此时最紧迫的急救措施是A.吸氧 B.输血 C.应用止血药物 D.通畅呼吸道

类别: 研究生 | 西医综合(研究生) 2023-05-30
