

物理答案 2023-04-26


每年全国由于行人不遵守交通规则而引发的交通事故上万起,死亡上千人。只有科学设置交通管制,人人遵守交通规则,才能保证行人的生命安全。如图8所示,停车线AB与前方斑马线边界CD间的距离为29m。质量 、车长7m的卡车以 的速度向北匀速行驶,当卡车前端刚驶过停车线AB,该车前方的机动车交通信号灯由绿灯变黄灯。

(1)若此时前方C处人行横道路边等待的行人就抢先过马路,卡车司机发现行人,立即制动,卡车受到阻力做匀减速直线运动,阻力大小为 。求卡车的制动距离;
(2)若人人遵守交通规则,该车将不受影响地驶过前方斑马线边界  CD。为确保行人安全,D处人行横道信号灯应该在南北向机动车信号灯变黄灯后至少多久变为绿灯?




类别: 化学 | 化学答案 2023-04-26

—What do people wear when they go to the theatre? — Well, it isn't very ____. People can wear a

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

When asked about my plan for the future, I hope to get a job on the local newspaper at first and ___

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

The song is about a couple forced to separate _________, but they valued the memories of their love

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

The old man lives alone on an island, and his home is not accessible ______ by boat.A.rather thanB.o

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

On almost all the buses in our city, there are seats ______ reserved for disabled and elderly passen

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

There is ____ nothing interesting in his speech.A.nearlyB.mostC.mostlyD.almost

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

. It’s true that he did write some excellent poems, but he is ______ known as a playwright. A.moreB.

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

Though they had not much to say, they email each other _____ .A.sooner or laterB.from then onC.every

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26


类别: 生物 | 生物答案 2023-04-26
