

化学答案 2023-04-27


A.ks b.kssks C.kskk d.ksksks


正确答案 d.ksksks
理由:k+k+k 必定被3整除 后面是0 的多位数必定是2的倍数


类别: 语文 | 语文答案 2023-04-26


类别: 语文 | 语文答案 2023-04-26

I can't spend _____ money on the car which is _____ expensive for me. [ ]A. too much, much too

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

I don't think she is a nice woman. I'm_____ her empty talk. [ ]A. grateful forB. tired of

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

— Is three o'clock _____ for you? — I am afraid I will be busy working in my office then. [ ]A.

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

Whether people are rich or poor, they are all ____ before the law. [ ]A. common B. same C. equalD. s

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

I will treat you_____ McDonald's, because you treat me_____ your_____ friend. [ ]A. to; for; cl

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

It is ____ asking Tom for help, for he is always the last to help others. [ ]A. useful B. helpless C

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

— Why didn't you know it was raining outside? — Oh, I was _____ in thought at that time. [ ]A.

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26

The change was so _____ that we hardly noticed it. [ ]A. actual B. frequent C. gradual D. fluent

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-26
