
Please account for your disrespectful behavior.

理工(B) 2023-07-03



请解释一下你无礼的行为。explain“解释”; examine“检查”,如:The doctor is examining the sick kid.医生正在检查生病的孩子。eliminate“消除”,如:Can cancer be eliminated?癌症能被消除吗?stop“停止”。

A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy.

类别: 理工类 | 理工(C) 2023-07-03

The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.

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Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.

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The storm caused severe damage.

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Eventually,she got a job and moved to London.

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The test produced disappointing results.

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The love of money is the root of all evil.

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His shoes were shined to perfection.

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His long-term goal is to set up his own business.

类别: 理工类 | 理工(C) 2023-07-03

The high-speed trains can have a major impact on our lives.

类别: 理工类 | 理工(C) 2023-07-03
