

专业技术人员继续教育 2023-07-15






Annual turnover and market share are mentioned in the video.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

What is the translation of balance sheet?

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

Marketing involves making a communication about a product or service to encourage recipients of the communication to purchase or use the product or service.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

The objective of promoting a product is to move the target market through the following phases:unawareness()awareness()understanding()attitude()purchase intention()purchase..

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

Market research is to find out whether there is any demand for your product, and whether there is any competition.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

Market testing is to produce a small quantity of a product and offer samples to selected customers to find out it they like it or not.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

Advertising is to consider your product, target customers and budget and choose the right media.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

What is the company going to promote?

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

Who is the advertising campaign for the major new products aimed at?

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12

Besides a lack of visual effects, what is mentioned as another weakness of radio ads?

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-12
