
关于基金宣传推介材料,下列说法中正确的是( )。

基金法律法规、职业道德与业务规范 2023-07-27

C.可以使用“ 坐享财富增长”“ 欲购从速” 等表述



信用社要建立低值易耗品管理卡,每件在200元以上的物品都要进行登记管理,并定期核对,保证帐实相符。( )

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Because Hong Kong is home to people from all over the world, a _____ of fashion styles can be seen in the city on any given day.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Midtown hospital compares _____ with other hospitals and provides services at lower rates.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Travelling by train to Tokyo takes approximately one hour less _____ travelling by car.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

All materials _____ for the upcoming seminar need to be copied at least two days in advance.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

All passengers should present their _____ documents at the check-in counter.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Children who are two years old and younger are _____free of charge to most concerts and films.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Antique cars are seen very _____ these days because they are extremely expensive to maintain.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Yesterday the officers voted _____to offer large bonuses to high-performing employees.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26

Performing a series of trial runs before launching large-scale production of any new product is common _____at Juvo, Inc.

类别: 银行证券 | 职业能力测验 2023-05-26
