
? teaching objectives
? teaching contents
? key and difficult points
?major steps and time allocation
? activities and justifications
学生概况:某城镇普通小学六年级学生,班级人数30人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》二级水平。学生对于“How do you feel?”已经有了较好的掌握。学生课堂参与积极性一般。

教师招聘 (小学) 2023-08-07


One possible version:
Teaching objectives
Knowledge and skill objectives:
Students will be able to grasp these words : tired, angry, excited, sad, bored.
Grasping the sentence pattern "How does Amy feel? /She's sad."and using it to practice English expressing.
Process and method objectives:
Through individual work,pair works and group works,improve the ability of independent thinking and cooperation.
Emotion, attitude and values objectives :
Cultivate the awareness of cooperative learning, as well as the good quality of caring for others.
Teaching contents
Words : tired, angry, excited, sad, bored
Sentence pattern:How does Amy feel? /She' s sad.
Key and difficult points
Key points: How do the verb change its form from the first person to the third person. Grasp the words and sentence pattern and learn to ask and answer about other' s emotions and feelings.
Difficult points : How to improve their interest in joining the class and have a command of the emotional words.
Major steps and time allocation
I. Lead in (4')
I. Presentation (20')
III. Practice(10')
IV. Production(10')
V. Homework (1')
Activities and justifications
Lead in ( 4' )
Activity : Listen to and sing a song If You Are Happy.
Reason:Use a song to draw out the word "happy" students have learnt. The music will arouse students' interest and the teaching content would be naturally led in.
Presentation ( 20' )
Activity 1 :Teacher makes a happy face and draws it on the blackboard;Teach the other words in the same way.
Activity 2:Students look at the pictures on the blackboard,listen to the pronunciation and read the words.
Activity 3:Teach all the new words and the sentence pattern.
Reason : Activity 1 and activity 2 lay a foundation for activity 3, and students can easily grasp the content through these activities.
Practice ( 10' )
Activity 1 :Students look at the prepared pictures in their living and talk about it with their partners.
Activity 2:Invite several groups to come to the front to make kinds of face and let others answer.
Reason:Activity 1 can help students practice what they have just learned and activity 2 can cultivate students' awareness of cooperation and competition.
Production (10')
Activity:Listen to the tape recorder and try to write down the words and sentence.
Reason : Consolidate students' learning.
Homework ( 1' )
Activity:Use the words and sentences we have learned and make a conversation with your family or friends to talk about their feelings.
Reason:The open homework would review what they have learned in class and promote communication between students and others as well.

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