
Write about the following topic:
In recent years, the Chinese Culture Yearhas frequently been held by our government in different parts of the world,such as Australia, Italy, Turkey, etc. What do you think about it? Please writea composition entitled "The Impact of the Chinese Culture Year".You′re supposed to write about 180 words or so.

教师招聘 (中学) 2023-08-08


The Impact of the Chinese Culture Year In recent years, the Chinese Culture Year has become more and more fashionable and frequently beenheld by our government in different parts of the world, such as Australia,Italy, and Turkey, etc. The Year of Chinese Culture in these countries consistsof a series of cultural activities ranging from performing arts projects,visual arts exhibitions to film festivals. For example, there is the exhibitionof cultural relics, Chinese traditional drama and folk music shows, kung fu andacrobatics shows, etc. The Chinese Culture Year, aiming at strengthening thefriendly relations between China and other countries as well as promoting themutual understanding among different peoples, will showcase the gems of China's traditional as well as contemporaryculture to present a panoramic picture of China to all over the world, whichwill provides other countries with a golden opportunity to have a betterunderstanding of Chinese culture and development. At the same time, the ChineseCulture Year has greatly enhanced the Chinese people' s national pride andconfidence.

廉租住房的申请程序包括:①轮候;②申请;③公示及登记;④审核;⑤签约。下列排序正确的是( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

关于国有建设用地使用权出租,下列说法不正确的是( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

我国城市市区土地属于 所有,农村和城市郊区土地除法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于 所有。( )

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

我国城市土地的所有权归( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

国家土地所有权的主体只能是( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

据我国宪法规定,我国现行的土地所有制是( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

某房地产开发公司开发的某住宅小区,由甲物业服务公司承担前期物业管理,全部业主于2011年5月入住。入住的当年10月,该小区召开首次业主大会,并选举了业主委员会,与甲物业服务公司重新签订了物业服务合同。2012年3月,顶楼的10户业主发现房间在雨天开始渗水,该10户业主联名请求无偿修复。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:物业管理公共服务的对象是( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07


类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

甲房地产公司的写字楼A在建工程的用地是3年前通过出让方式取得的,土地使用权年期为50年,预计该写字楼2年后建成交付使用,在租售前委托乙房地产估价机构进行评估。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:下列各项中,属于乙房地产评估机构估价的基本程序的是( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07

甲房地产公司的写字楼A在建工程的用地是3年前通过出让方式取得的,土地使用权年期为50年,预计该写字楼2年后建成交付使用,在租售前委托乙房地产估价机构进行评估。根据上述资料,回答下列问题:下列各项中,属于影响写字楼A价格的因素有( )。

类别: 外贸会计 | [旧版](初级)房地产经济专业知识与实务 2023-06-07
