
《公路工程试验检测仪器设备检定/校准指导手册》要求用于土类的烘箱必须检定的计量参数包括( )。

试验检测师(含助理)-公共基础 2023-08-22




He raised the question of ___ we could find the necessary money.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

It is of high importance that you ___ at the airport on time.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

Do you know where____now?

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

Our new diet pill________the people who want to lose weight.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

When you write a cheque,the bank will______you 2 dollars.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

Many English boys go to boarding school at the age of seven.They usually ( )quickly and are very happy.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

There seemed little hope that the explorer,( )in the tropical forest,would find his way through it.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, so their only choice ( ) at a small inn.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

I prefer to take a plane rather than______a train.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26

The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each ___ one major point in contrast with the other.

类别: 银行证券 | 综合知识 2023-05-26
