

四年级英语作文 2023-02-13


One day, Li Li sat in a chair and fell asleep unconsciously. He dreamed that his father had become a space engineer. On the first day of summer vacation, Li Li pesters his father to go on a trip to outer space, and he reluctantly agrees.


The next day, my father set out on Chang'e 369 with all his strength. As soon as they flew out of the earth, they met with a spaceship driven by an alien. The alien said to them, "go to my planet and be a guest! "So they followed the alien spacecraft to their planet. When I first flew into the planet, it was desolate. I said to myself, "what a hell is this place?" The alien smiled and said, "this is not our territory yet! Go on! " Suddenly, their eyes lit up, a scene of laughter and laughter appeared in front of them, and the alien said to them: "you go to the playground to play! I'm going back to base first, but your CTW is going to stop here.


CTW should mean Spaceship! Li Li thought, "OK." Dad said. When they came to the playground, the administrator said, "go to tomorrow's country first." When they arrived in tomorrow's country, Li Li saw that he had a big beard, and a little boy came and called, "Dad, Dad." Li Li is confused. "When did I become a father?" He looked at his father again, and saw that he was on crutches, with a white beard longer than Li Li's, just like an old man. "I'm going out," Li Li shouted Unexpectedly, such a toss of force touched the mechanism, and they were suddenly bounced out. They came to the swimming pool again. Li Li took off his clothes and jumped into the pool. Unconsciously, his body began to dance. Li Li thought to himself, "when will I do ballet in the water?" It turns out that this is a dance pool. Anyone who jumps into this pool will dance beautifully.


At this time, dad got off work, he went home and said, "Lili, why are you sleeping again?" Kone didn't respond at all. He was still immersed in his dream of space!


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16
