

四年级英语作文 2023-02-13

Dear Peter,

Nice to hear from you。 You are welcome to be a volunteer of 2008 Olympic Games of Beijing。 As a volunteer, you first act as a guide for the officials and athletes from all over the world。 You are also an attendant。 You need to prepare and deliver daily supplies, such as towels, soap, toothbrushes, pens, paper and so on, to the rooms of the officials" and athletes"。 If necessary, you may help the athletes to carry luggage。 The job is simple, but tiring。 None the less, it is very important and meaningful。 What"s more, you need to work 8 hours a day。

Nice to hear from you。 You are welcome to be a volunteer of 2008 Olympic Games of Beijing。 As a volunteer, you first act as a guide for the officials and athletes from all over the world。 You are also an attendant。 You need to prepare and deliver daily supplies, such as towels, soap, toothbrushes, pens, paper and so on, to the rooms of the officials" and athletes"。 If necessary, you may help the athletes to carry luggage。 The job is simple, but tiring。 None the less, it is very important and meaningful。 What"s more, you need to work 8 hours a day。

I am looking forward to the day you come to Beijing。 See you then。

I am looking forward to the day you come to Beijing。 See you then。

Yours truly,

Li Ming

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