

三年级英语作文 2023-02-13


During the holiday, my father took me to play in Lingxiao cave in Changyu cave. In Lingxiao cave, I don't think I'm afraid of anything. What I'm afraid of most is "the underground".


"Underground" is a branch of Lingxiao stone group. It's gloomy and vaguely sees a group of "ghosts". The "ghost" has green hair, red eyes and clear eyes. Step by step, he comes over and keeps making a "Oh, oh" sound in his mouth. I stood motionless at the entrance of the cave, stunned, not daring to cross the thunder pond for half a step. If it had not been for my mother's advice, I would not have gone in!


In the "underground" look carefully, inside the "ghost" are fake, or clay sculpture, or animation. When I was brave, I would touch the ghost and shout loudly in it. However, it didn't last long. A "ghost" fell on me. I screamed and ran all over the place. I was scared out of sweat. I ran to my father and made everyone laugh.


"Earth mansion" is arranged according to the human legend, which tells about different punishments after the death of different people.


Out of the "underground" back to the Yangjian, enjoying the warm sunshine, I told myself to be a good man, learn to be kind, learn to be virtuous.

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