

三年级英语作文 2023-02-13


During the winter vacation this year, when I saw the word "transmutation" in an extra-curricular book, I asked my father what it meant. He said, "transmutation" means alternation and change. "Transmutation" means major changes in insect morphology. I'll talk about it in detail later if I have a chance!


At the beginning of the new semester, my father once sent me to the school gate. When he saw someone selling silkworm eggs, he said that silkworm is one of the four transmutations in his life. Would you like to know what "transmutation" is by raising silkworm by yourself? I thought to myself, my father has a good memory, and I still keep my questions in mind! I nodded seriously. So dad bought a bag of paper with 14 eggs on it for fifty cents.


In the next few weeks of sericulture, my father taught me to observe carefully that with the increase of temperature and the change of seasons, more than 10 young silkworms, like little ants, have hatched from their eggs; my father took me to identify mulberry trees, pick mulberry leaves and feed them back; my father asked me to record that the silkworms grew from small silkworms with gray color and 0.1-0.2cm long, gradually growing to 5-8cm long, translucent and very fat The whole process of silkworm. During this period, especially when it was quiet around, I held my breath and listened to the silkworms eating mulberry leaves It's like listening to the best music. When the silkworms spin and cocoon inside and become pupae, my father specially cuts a cocoon to show me the appearance of the pupae; when the pupae become moths and drill out of the cocoon, my father also instructs me to pair and mate them until several female moths produce so many pale yellow eggs and die one by one.


My father looked at me and said: through the practice of sericulture in recent weeks, you have seen the whole life of the silkworm with your own eyes. You have experienced the whole process of four times of molting and morphological change from the eggs, the worms, the pupae and the moths. This process is called "transmutation". Now you should understand the word "transmutation"? "I understand," I replied! Dad, it's so nice of you to let me increase my knowledge from practice! Thank you! "


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