

三年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Today, class 3 (6) of our class held a fierce competition.

第一个登场的是“魔方拼 高手”潘力诚。他一拿出魔方就眼疾手快地拼起来,才过了三秒钟,他就说:“好了。”老师惊讶地大叫:“呀,才用了三秒钟啊!”我们冲上去一看,魔方果然已经整得和原来一模一样了。台下响起一片掌声。


The second one is me, tsunami, Congru and Runyu. We are more suffocating. The four of us did some warm-up before the game. Just listen to the teacher's order: "start", we immediately closed our mouth and began to hold our breath. After a minute, the students began to talk about: "they must be cheating!" "Well, it must be cheating!" "What's the big deal." A gas rose from my heart, thinking: I didn't cheat, but also said I cheated. The more I thought about it, the more angry I was. I couldn't help opening my mouth. As a result, I became the last. I just spread the gas, moisten the rain also to open the mouth, now on the field only then from you and the tsunami. Congru's face is no different from the usual one, but the tsunami's face is more and more swollen and red, like a red apple. Students say Cong You Love cheating, Cong You open your mouth to defend yourself, did not expect that this let Wang Haixiao take advantage of a small -- became today 's competition of the master.


The next program is the English competition between Jiacheng and jingshuo. They asked us to give one of the numbers of one to ninety-nine, and they could blurt out. The game started, Runyu reported: "Oh, 89!" Jing Shuo immediately reported: "eighty nine (English)" the second time is Jiacheng leading, the third time At last, the teacher shouted: "forty two" Jing Shuo seized the opportunity and shouted out. He won. Jiacheng is not convinced. He wants to do it again, but he still loses.


Now it's Zhang Qian's turn. I saw her come like an arrow, hands a support, one foot on the wall, the other foot closely followed. The students couldn't help shouting "yes". Jiacheng was not convinced, and hurriedly said to the students, "I can still stand upside down without sticking to the wall." But unexpectedly, he didn't use his hands to support, like a dog lying on the ground. After the students dispersed, I found that Zhang Qian's feet slipped down gradually. After a while, Zhang Qian could not hold on, so she turned around.


Finally, jingshuo's tongue twister. "Jing Shuo shouted:" a frog with four legs, two eyes and a mouth jumped into the water with a plop. Two frogs... " When he talked about seven frogs, his speech slowed down. When he talked about eight frogs, he was a little stuttered. Finally finish the tongue twister, we all laughed, laughter has been spread to the sky

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类别: 英语 | 2023-02-13

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类别: 英语 | 2023-02-13
