

三年级英语作文 2023-02-13

大家也知道5月12日在汶川发生了8。0级的大地震吧!人们一直在说:“甘肃又要地震了……”这的确是个谣言,因为那么大的地震都没有测出来,余震也不可能测出来。一直到今天,2008年6月7日,我看到了电脑上传出了一些有趣的现象:螃蟹上树 ,蛇排队过马路,蟾蜍排队过马路,蟾蜍满大街都是,路边、马路中央、楼下……人们以为又要地震了,造成了极大的恐慌!


The most interesting should be: crabs on the tree. The trees are full of crabs. On the first day, a grandfather caught the crabs from the tree and put them in the sea. The next day, the crabs climbed to the tree again. I'm surprised. Mom's guess is: is that place going to earthquake? Because it is said that there will be animal warning before the earthquake. And my guess is: crabs live in the sea for too long, come out and breathe, take a walk, have a look at the scenery, it has nothing to do with the earthquake! Later, after the uncle and aunt of the Seismological Bureau went to the site for investigation and careful study, they came to the conclusion that it had nothing to do with the earthquake, because the weather was too hot!


We should believe in science and the answers of experts. I'm very happy today because I guessed right and my mother guessed wrong.

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