

五年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Children in poor mountainous areas:


How do you do!


I'm Dong Yingchu, a student of class 5 (2) of experimental primary school. Today, I saw your thin figure on TV and your helpless eyes. Most of you are in a very difficult family. You often can't eat enough or wear warm food. But you want to go to school very much. You are eager to learn something you dream of.


May I have a look at your school! A shabby house, a table piled up with mud, broken benches of different sizes brought by students from home, no lights, no books, or even no chalk! All this is beyond our imagination. Some students' exercise books are so densely written that they can be rubbed off and then used again; some students' pens are only as long as their fingers, and they are reluctant to throw them away; some students' schoolbags are sewn by their mothers with some old cloth heads; some students' schoolbooks are like new ones after several semesters, and the corners of the books are not rolled up at all; some students Under such hard conditions, you still insist on studying. Some of your classmates are doing surprisingly well! We really admire your spirit of study.


Look at us again. We have all kinds of learning tools, beautiful books, brand-new stationery boxes, pens with different functions, and colorful schoolbags beyond count. Many of our classmates are the little princesses and emperors of our family. Our family has been around us all day, but we still don't know how to be lucky. If we don't study hard and think about playing all day, we can't help but see what we like, which always makes adults angry.


Through our "hand in hand" activities, we can really feel that the society is a big family, one person has difficulties, everyone should help. We can help students with difficulties to feel no longer lonely and warm. Maybe what we donate is insignificant. But no matter what, maybe it's a schoolbag, maybe it's a pencil, maybe it's a small book, maybe it's a clean sweatshirt, maybe it's a coin accumulated over time But on the scale of love, they are always equal. I believe that when you receive our small gift, you must feel the warmth and have unlimited joy.


We are all the flowers of our motherland. We must learn from you. When we grow up, we will better build our motherland and make our motherland a better tomorrow! Hope to hand in hand with you and make progress together!



Learning progress, day up!


A classmate who cares about you: Dong Yingchu


February 8th


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