

二年级英语作文 2023-02-13


This evening, my mother and I sat by the computer watching "unlucky bear" with relish, instead of laughing heartily.


Well! You see, as long as unlucky bear comes out, it will make a series of jokes, which will make people laugh. Unfortunately, the bear is confused and careless all day long. No wonder he always fails. He can be called a general who always fails. Once, the unlucky bear took the gift to a friend's house to play, and the gift fell on the bridge. He went down to pick up the gift and forgot to brake. The car drove away automatically, and it got stuck on the track. The train came, crushing the car and the present.


Although unlucky bear always fails and makes a fool of himself, he is full of adventurous spirit, dare to explore and not afraid of difficulties. This is probably an important reason why I like unlucky bears!

阅读寓言《掩耳盗铃》,完成练习。请用“ ”在文中画出来

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