

二年级英语作文 2023-02-13


This summer vacation, our family went to Hainan for a tour and visited Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden.


Walking into Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden, we can see that the trees in the garden are tall and luxuriant. It is full of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants and rare trees, including vanilla, cocoa, foxtail coconut, tourist banana, and the legendary "die with blood". When the guide introduced the rubber tree to us, grandma said with emotion: "before, the educated youth went to the countryside and the mountains to reclaim the wasteland. They had to get up at one or two o'clock in the morning to cut the rubber, and then they had to collect the glue at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. It was very hard work. Rubber tree glue has great use, can be made into car tires, rubber shoes and so on. How hard life used to be. Now that the country is rich and strong and the economy is developed, everything is modern and high-tech, people's lives have become happy and beautiful. "


After listening to my grandmother, I thought: in the future, I must cherish the present good life, study hard, and use the knowledge I have learned to serve the motherland.


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