

二年级英语作文 2023-02-13


From my family's "celebrity", my father is nobody knows, nobody knows!


Every day, he gets up early and greedy for darkness. He comes to the computer easily. What does he want to do? What information? Why do you get up so late? Do you work? Too hard working! When I was going to sleep safely, "Dong, Dong, Dong..." The diligent dad was playing chess. He beat his opponents one by one. What a chess king!


But I can't play too hard. My father can't forget to eat and sleep. Look, my father is playing chess again. "Dinner." Mom said, "come and have a meal." But dad was still dead. "Eat fast!" Mom urged as she ate Dad was impatient. "It's not too late to finish this game." Mother was so angry that she had nothing to say.


Alas! My father plays chess every day. He can't play chess without a day. He is now a slave to chess. He plays chess every day, and he plays several games a day. I don't know what's in his mind.


However, he spent most of his time looking up information. Check the news, war, car accident I like "chess king" Dad!

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