

六年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Not long ago, I read the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, an English writer. I was deeply attracted by Robinson Crusoe's perseverance and heroism as a lonely and tenacious adventurer. The story mainly tells us that Robinson Crusoe went to a comfortable and comfortable family and sailed in the sea without permission. Once, he drifted to a deserted island, but with his own survival skills and strong will, he spent 28 years of lonely time on the island.


Robinson, trapped in the desert island, made a "calendar" on the island, and wrote a diary every day, which is the expression of his indomitable will. He did this to prove that he was still alive and lived clearly, did not disappear in the long river of time, did not lose track because he drifted to the desert island, showed his strong will, and also reflected that he was an indomitable man Those who scratch, yearn for life and dare to face the reality.


On the desert island, he created life with hard work and created life. Without a house, he built his own; without food, he tried to hunt, grow grain, domesticate goats, dry wild raisins; he also groped for making tables and chairs, pottery, and bread on the screen of scarves. In the face of life difficulties, Robinson's actions show a tough man's perseverance and heroism. It can be seen from this that he is not a person who is willing to live in peace and passively serve life, but a person who has strong will and strong belief in survival, and is pragmatic and willing to work and passionate about creation. It is these spiritual qualities that enable him to grasp the opportunity of existence and create material conditions.


When Robinson was in trouble, he took notes of his experiences in the form of "debit" and "credit" to record his happiness and misfortune fairly. It can be seen from this that Robinson is encouraging and encouraging himself, not discouraged. He can also feel the positive side of all kinds of negative things.


After reading Robinson Crusoe, I was greatly shocked, and got great enlightenment: one should not be pessimistic and disappointed in adversity, but try to see the positive factors, so as to change his passive situation.


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