

六年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about "happy learning".


Learning is our human nature. If there is no learning, there will be no square Chinese characters that carry the long history of the Chinese nation, and there will be no invention of steam engine, electric lamp and telephone; if there is no learning, human beings will always live in the primitive society of ignorance and darkness, and there will also be no giant shoulder standing by the great scientist Newton. It can be said that without learning, there will be no happy life for us today.


Maybe some students think that learning is a painful thing, where is the happiness? However, you can know that in the war of gunfire and smoke, children as old as you must stand guard to prevent the enemy from finding them. You can know that in order to learn from the lovely little Luobu in the concentration camp, how many times have the difficult friends fought with the enemy. You can know that poor little Fanka was mercilessly old for reading How many times have you beaten the board? You know, in order to protect the textbook in the hard environment, Zhang instructor paid the price of his life. The children sat on the ground, with the sun and the moon as the light, and the slate as the table. You know, in order to be able to enter the school to study, there are many children in the poverty-stricken mountainous areas in their lives who collect their own broken money to work for tuition - in the face of all this, in the face of them What qualification do we have to say that our study is painful?


We are now studying in school, with beautiful learning environment, dedicated teachers for your healthy growth, and careful care for your parents, how can our study not be happy? In Chinese class, we can experience the profound culture of the motherland. In math class, we can exercise our thinking. In music class, we can develop our singing voice. In physical education class, we can improve our physique. In science class, we can understand the mysteries of nature. In social class, we can enjoy the customs of the world. In continuous learning, our knowledge is more and more rich. Our literacy is not good We are gradually becoming qualified citizens of the society.


Of course, we only have to study carefully, study carefully, study for us, is happy. We should not regard learning as a job, should not perfunctory it, only want to learn, will learn real knowledge, will truly realize its happiness. Our beloved Premier Zhou once said, "live and learn." Students, let's study conscientiously together, let's have fun with learning, and experience real happiness in learning.


This is the end of my speech. Thank you!

I had a lovely time.(英译汉)...

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