

六年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Many friends may have a common experience in childhood - many parents always told us when they were young that "a good child can't lie, and a liar is not a good child." but no parent can even say that no one has never lied in his or her life. One person said that "everyone's life is a lie." although the saying is exaggerated, it's definitely not true It's said that lies have different meanings to no one. When a child, lies mean little things. What does a lie mean? Some people say that lying means a person's dishonest character is not good, but if we have some white lies, can we say that others are not good? Some people say that lies can hurt people, but is it so absolute?

下面算式中,结果比3000小,比2400大的是( )。A.28×79 B...

类别: 数学 | 2023-02-13

判断单词画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)相同:saw draw (_)...

类别: 英语 | 2023-02-13


类别: 英语 | 2023-02-13

把43连续加19次,结果是( )。A. 832 B. 817 C...

类别: 数学 | 2023-02-13


类别: 语文 | 2023-02-13

下面两个量不成比例的是( )。A.正方形的面积和边长 B...

类别: 数学 | 2023-02-13


类别: 数学 | 2023-02-13

(    ) They       at the stati

类别: 英语 | 2023-02-13

比一比,再组词。过(_) 太(_) 金(_) 秋(_)这(_) 大(_)...

类别: 语文 | 2023-02-13

在( )里填上适当的数。2×(_)=12 4×(_)=8 3×(_)...

类别: 数学 | 2023-02-13
