

六年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Dear teachers and students


Hello everyone!


My motherland is like a flying "dragon" flying in the east of the world. China is rich in resources and fertile land. We have been growing up in the warm embrace of our motherland for generations. In a happy family, happy growth.


Now let's see how great the changes around us are. Tile houses have become tall buildings, tall buildings have become villas, bicycles have become cars, Walkman has become MP3, MP4, black-and-white TV has become LCD TV. Like the rare tools and appliances before, electric appliances have become the same thing that every household has, such as computers, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters, air conditioners, etc.


2008 is a special year. It's a day that the Chinese people are looking forward to for a hundred years. That's the grand holding of the Olympic Games in China. What does that say? What does it mean? This shows that our country has this ability, which means that our country will be stronger and more developed.


At the same time, China's Shenzhou-7 was launched. We don't know how much money is needed for fuel and production. In the past, the country had difficulties in food and clothing, but now the money for making a spaceship is nothing to our country.


In this Olympic year, something bad happened. Wenchuan, Sichuan, shouted 8. In the earthquake of magnitude 0, the power of this earthquake is equivalent to the power of more than 300 atomic bombs. We don't know how many places can be turned into ruins in the 300 atomic bombs. But we Chinese people are not afraid of these 300 atomic bombs. In the earthquake, people who are not in the disaster area are not afraid to meet with the people in the disaster area, but they share the same heart and soul to make contributions to the people in the disaster area. Here we can see the unity of the Chinese people.


Think about how many people in the past did not bow to the devil for the sake of national unity and prosperity. How many people suffered damage in the motherland and fought with their flesh and blood against the enemy.


For the good of our country, and for the future of our country, we should study hard, and in the future, with sweat and wisdom, let the colorful paintings of our country go on a better stroke. Let the dragon of the motherland fly higher. In the future, the motherland must belong to us. Isn't our motherland strong enough now? Even if we are strong, we will make our motherland stronger in the future. Let's take off together with the dragon of our motherland!


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16
