

一年级英语作文 2023-02-13


It's almost 2009, and I'm one year older. In the new year, I have a lot of wishes to achieve.


I think in 2008, my study is not good enough. In 2009, I will study harder. As a monitor, we should do better and better than the students in every item in the class, do a good job in the relationship between the students, become a good example for the students, manage the class discipline and be a good helper for the teachers. In 2009, we will strive for early selection of young pioneers and wear red scarf.


I still have a lot of wishes, dad said, as long as I can test double hundred, let me join the military summer camp when summer vacation is over, I really look forward to the early arrival of summer.


I believe that as long as I am full of self-confidence, I will make progress every day and my wishes will come true.

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