

一年级英语作文 2023-02-13

我家园内有克有大有直又高的白杨树。 白杨树上长满了许多的眼睛,又细有长,像美丽的星星的眼睛,又大又园,很有神韵,每天早晨我去上学时都给我打招呼,好象和我说:在学校好好学习,加油,努力进取,早日加入少先队员先锋队。下午我放学回家有碰见,仿佛又再问:今天表现好吗,上课注意听讲了吗好像期待我有满意的回答!

There are big, straight and tall poplar trees in my home. Poplar trees are full of many eyes, long and thin, like the eyes of beautiful stars, big and garden, very verve, every morning when I go to school I say hello, as if to me: study hard in school, come on, work hard, join the young pioneers pioneer team as soon as possible. In the afternoon, I came back home from school and asked again: how was your performance today? Did you pay attention to the lecture in class? It seems that I am looking forward to a satisfactory answer!

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