

多特题库提供大学英语,在大学英语 页面中为您提供Which is not true?、In the following sentence “It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one’s pocket”, which major type of irony is used here? 等相关内容…

Which is not true?

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

In the following sentence “It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one’s pocket”, which major type of irony is used here?

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

The prefix “de-” is added to words to create new words whose word classes remain the same as the words to which “de-” is added.

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

Success life always built upon hardship.

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

Biography should focus on the events that best reveal character and achievements.

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

Which statement is wrong?

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

In the following sentence “The audience smiled, chuckled, and finally howled”, which major type of climax is used here?

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

Which of the following meanings does the suffix “-fy” denote?

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

The dancers in Matisse’s Dance are not indenialof the troubles of this planet.

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

Martial art is not a kind of traditional art in China.

类别: 题库 | 大学英语 2023-04-20

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