

其它知识 2023-06-14








The 80-chapter edition of The Story of the Stone(The Dream of the Red Chamber) is the most printed version of the novel, while the 120-chapter edition is the second most printed version.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

Hong Lou Meng(translated as The Story of the Stone or The Dream of the Red Chamber)is generally acknowledged to be the summit of Chinese fiction, a brilliant achievement and a marvelous read.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

The planet is so close to its star that any water would be turned to()(蒸汽).

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

He()(浏览) the novel quickly, then read it again more carefully.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

It’s amazing to see so many kinds of cosmetics(化妆品) here.But, how do you know which product is best for your()(肤色)?

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

The Story of the Stone is generally acknowledged to be the()of Chinese fiction, a brilliant achievement and a marvelous reaD.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

However, one()(单独的)person or movement can change the course of history.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

Human beings need to have elegance in their actions and in their()(姿态) because elegance is synonymous(同义词) with good taste, and harmony.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

Following the discovery of the explosives(爆炸物) the president cancelled his visit to the().

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13

Most people live in the city and go to the country at the weekend, and that';s(), but actually to live in the country is quite different.

类别: 题库 | 2024-01-13
