

物理答案 2023-04-27


17、世界著名的男高音歌唱家帕瓦罗蒂于2007年9月6日不幸过世,但他高亢嘹亮的声音却永远记在了人们的心中.“男高音”与“高亢嘹亮”中的“高”分别指的是(  )




类别: 语文 | 语文答案 2023-04-27


类别: 语文 | 语文答案 2023-04-27

He's ______ to fail the exam if he doesn't do any revision. [ ]A. near B. fit C. bound D.

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

At the back of the old temple ______ twelve huge stone statues together with ______ pagoda. [ ]A. do

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ______ Great Britain.[ ]A. three times the size asB. the size three

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

Having won the first place in the English examination, Tom ran back home, .A.happy and excitedB.happ

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

Hearing the news that he failed in the entrance exam a third time, he sobbed _________.A.eagerlyB.de

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

.Sometimes parents’ control of young kids will be thought to be such an invisible rope with which to

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

The nurse gave ________ the sweets to the children.A.upB.offC.outD.in

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27

There are many mistakes in your composition and ________, it needs improving.A.soB.thenC.yetD.theref

类别: 英语 | 英语答案 2023-04-27
