
男性,40岁,BMI29.1K/m2,OGTT试验示:空腹血糖5.2mmol/L,服糖后2h血糖为9.8 mmol/L,空腹胰岛素40 mU/L。


卫生系统招聘(临床专业知识) 2023-08-18

A. 控制饮食、增加体育运动、减轻体重
B. 磺脲类
C. 双胍类
D. 胰岛素
E. 暂不处理,定期随访


If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan, he/she is trying to developtheir__________.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Diagnostic test is often used for the purpose of__________.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which of the following activities is often used to develop students′ speaking accuracy

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

The most suitable question type to check students′ comprehension and develop theircritical thinking is __________.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students′ ability to makeinferences

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is a presupposition

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

What is the main rhetoric device used in "The Pentagon was divided on the air strike. "

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing with __________ pleasure.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Tom, take this baggage and put it __________ you can find enough space.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary __________.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04
