

四年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Today in Chinese class, the teacher told us to preview the text first, so I read the text carefully.


When I saw the title "UTA", I thought it was the name of a German girl. I was frightened by her courage. I didn't expect a 14-year-old girl to travel alone. And it's my own money. I admire her so much,


I'm 9 years old. Although I'm younger than her, I don't even have such an idea. My sister is as big as UTA, but her father and mother arrange everything.


Uta is really bold and careful. Before she travels, she makes preparations at home. In addition, every place she goes, she needs to check the phone number of the local police station first, so that she can call the police when something happens. Then call home to report safety, so that the family can rest assured.


She also saved three years of money for her trip. She used her holiday time to work in restaurants. The reporter said that we Chinese children's way of life, she does not believe! I don't think it's understandable. I am a child of China, and what the reporter said is right!


Our Chinese children don't have the courage. Even if they do, their families won't agree. Take me for example! I remember once, my father asked me to play in other places, and an acquaintance took me with him. My mother prepared everything for me. I was still afraid. I was afraid that my mother was not around. When I met something, no one cared about me. Finally, I gave up. It seemed to me that after this article, I was ashamed that I could not compare with utabi!


It seems that after the matter of UTA, I will overcome it. I will not be as timid as before. I will learn from UTA and be as bold and careful as he is!

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