

四年级英语作文 2023-02-13


Dear guests and leaders! I'm Zhang Zhaoting, a tour guide of class 2, the fourth year of Zhan Tianyou primary school. Today, I'd like to introduce Zhan Tianyou Memorial Hall and his former residence.


Let's see the first part of the window "from twelve Fu to the world". Zhan Tianyou was born in 1861 and died in 1919. Look at the picture in the lower left corner. His parents and his third daughter took a picture together in their hometown. Look at the picture below. It's the alley our school is facing now. It used to be a river. In the lower right corner is a picture taken by Zhan Tianyou in the Zidong boat. In front is a photo taken by Zhan Tianyou and his family. Look at this picture again. This is the campus where Zhan Tianyou studied in the United States -- Yelu University. This is the main teaching building. Please see this picture. It's a picture of Chinese children studying abroad from China and the United States. Here, the fifth black Chinese from the bottom of the third row is Zhan Tianyou as a child.


Let's take a look at the former residence: these wooden chairs are the ones I just said Zhan Tianyou's parents and his third daughter are sitting here for a photo. Let's take a look at the table here. Each side of the table is inlaid with many patterns of wood. Zhan Tianyou slept in this bed when he was a child.


OK, please come with me to visit the second part of the memorial hall. This is a photo taken by Zhan Tianyou with other railway engineers in Badaling. Zhan Tianyou is the father of China's railway and the first creator of China's railway. The railway from Zhangjiakou to Beijing was successfully opened under the guidance of Zhan Tianyou. This is the first self built railway built by Chinese people, and it is the greatest pride of Chinese people! It also destroyed the prestige of imperialism!


Finally, please go outside and have a look. The plaque on the door is inscribed by Uncle Chen Shaoji, chairman of the CPPCC Guangdong Provincial Committee: Zhan Tianyou Memorial Hall. The beautiful Manzhou windows and the long-term trip of the former residence have strong characteristics of Xiguan!


Thank you for your explanation! Now you can visit freely. We should protect cultural relics and pay attention to safety along the way! Welcome to come again!


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16


类别: | 2022-12-16
