

二年级英语作文 2023-02-13


On a crisp autumn holiday, I went on a car trip with my father and mother, along with my grandparents, grandmothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all of whom were from my own family.


Along the way, I was like a bird just out of the cage, "chirping" constantly. I was very excited - because we are going to the place where Zhuge family, my mother's ancestor, lived.


After two hours' driving, we finally arrived at Zhuge Bagua village. Zhuge Bagua village is composed of inner Bagua and outer Bagua. Walking into the village is like walking into a big maze. If you don't follow the local guide, you may get lost! Zhuge Bagua village is the only ancient cultural village in China with a large number of ancient houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties. People in the village consider themselves descendants of Zhuge Liang, so there are statues of Zhuge Liang in the ancestral hall, as well as his and his descendants' biographies. In Bagua village, I also personally experienced the ancient working people's labor skills such as flour grinding, rice pounding and oil pressing.


In the afternoon, we came to Lanxi underground river again. There is a river in the underground river cave, and there is a hole in the river. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. The cave is marvelous in water and beautiful in scenery. There is a colorful lantern in the river. The underground river flows continuously all the year round and is crystal clear. The cave is dotted with all kinds of lifelike masterpieces of nature, making people feel like they are in the fairyland of Yaolin, making people linger.


It is late, we reluctantly bid farewell to the underground river, Zhuge Bagua village and Lanxi. This tour gave me more insight, broadened my vision, and also made me understand the beautiful scenic spots in Zhejiang - Lanxi underground river, as well as the legendary ancient cultural village - Zhuge Bagua village.

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