
根据规定,保证收益型理财计划的起点金额,人民币在( )以上。
A. 3万元 B. 4万元 C. 5万元 D. 6万元

个人理财 2023-05-25


。《商业银行个人理财业务风险管理指引》第三十四条规定,商业银行 应综合分析所销售的投资产品可能对客户产生的影响,确定不同投资产品或理财计划的销售 起点。保证收益理财计划的起点金额,人民币应在5万元以上,外币应在5千美元(或等值外 币)以上;其他理财计划和投资产品的销售起点金额应不低于保证收益理财计划的起点金额,并依据潜在客户群的风险认识和承受能力确定。

The text is approachable, coping well with quite__________subjects.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which of the following has the proper word stress?

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

A teacher showed students an example and explained the usage of past perfect tense, and asked students to list ten"past perfect tense" sentences by imitating that example. What's the teacher' s grammar teaching method?

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which is the most advantageous relationship mode between teachers and students for the development of students?

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Cooperative learning emphasizes on__________ and collective responsibility.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which aspect of vocabulary is trained in the following?The teacher asks the students to read the following passage to tell the writer's attitude towards the woman he is interviewing.Tall, tanned and debonair, Hazel Henderson is an unlikely revolutionary. She greets me with a warm smile and orders a port of tea, unlike the well-heeled matrons staying at this comfortable hotel.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Much of the debate on an ongoing society in China has focused on the extended families__________ the number of "empty-nets" is growing by the millions every year.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

Which of the following has the proper word stress

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04

New curriculum promotes the three-dimensional teaching objective which includes__________.

类别: 教师从业资格 | (中学)英语学科知识与教学能力 2023-08-04
